When am I gonna leave this dept? it sure has been long even though its only for 3 months. So glad I'm now coming to the tail end of it and be done with it.
Just attended Holy Thursday Mass yesterday and now busy fulfilling my Catholic fasting duties and got hold of my delicious unleavened bread...
(seriously, its delicious for unleavened bread and I know this is not really good for something that is already blessed during Mass, but if you have it toasted and eat it with butter, and a bowl of egg...simply amazing! hey, i didn't have that on Good Friday, ok? i might however have that on Easter though if there's still leftovers hehe...)
...in my lunch pack. Its a custom in my parish to have unleavened bread once a year on Good Friday. I'm confused though why they say break fast with it, when our catholic fast still consists of limited morsels of food to sustain our body. Strange.
Going at RM10 per piece, this tradition derived from the time Jews take it for the Passover. Maundy Thursday falls during Passover anyway, so I see it as a beautiful continuation from our Jewish brethren in becoming part of Christian tradition.
Will be taking light vege sandwich, perhaps 2-3 pieces of crackers and milo for lunch...then unleavened bread for dinner. Yup, that's my menu for today. Hope its in keeping with the 1 and a half portion restriction. Then...its off running to Way of the Cross before Good Friday service.
Oh btw, I was txt-ing away my aunt and we were talking about genuflecting. Fancy how we actually incorporate Catholic gestures and actions into our daily life? How you ask? just watch:
1. Genuflect to mop the floor
2. Bow to pick things up from the floor
3. Kneel to take things from cupboard
4. Prostrate to sleep on the bed
5. Just hope we don't Cross † ourselves to chase away flies..hehe just kidding :o)
Anyway, its lunch time, all my Muslim colleagues are out for their Friday prayers, and I'm just typing away my blog, waiting for the 6pm chime to leave for the evening service. Got to stop at the next door's mall to go with my sister.
Oh, guess what? its pouring heavily out there! Always rains every Good Friday in keeping with the mood of the day. Or is it from the heavens?
Gtg... Bye for now!
† Pax te cum,
Lay Oblate