Sunday, December 27, 2009

Go in Peace, Chek Kong


10 March, 1922 - 26 December, 2009

Returned home to be with the Lord at the age of 87, in Singapore.
He leaves behind 2 daughters
and family members back in Malaysia & New Zealand who mourn his loss.
His last words were "God is good... all the time!"

Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine
Et lux perpetua luceat eis
Requiescat in pace

You will always be remembered for your laughter & humorous cards you send to our family every year.
Rest in peace, Chek Kong.

Funeral service @ Trinity Casket Pte Ltd, Sin Ming Drive - Singapore; 1.45 pm, thereafter the cortège will leave for cremation @ Mandai Crematorium - Hall 1 on (Tues) 29 December 2009. Mass will be offered in memory of Mr H.E. Teoh @ the Chapel of Kristus Aman, TTDI - KL Malaysia for two consecutive weekends; (Sun) 3rd January & (Sat) 9th January, 2010

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Prayers for S'pore Grand Uncle

Please pray for my grand uncle, Mr Teoh Hooi Eow, who slipped into coma this Christmas morning, due to complications and multiple organ failures. He is 85 years old.

The 2 daughters are currently at his side, watching and praying for him at a hospital in Singapore. It is an emotionally tense and difficult period for them as doctors and nurses are trying their best to revive him, but due to his old age, anything can happen.

The Lim and Teoh family in PJ and NZ, are praying for his speedy recovery, otherwise also for our Lord's will be done, as long as he does not suffer in his illness due to his advance age and weak condition.

We pray for guidance and divine grace from Almighty god through His Most Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy. Lord, have mercy on him and bless him!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

In Paradisum, deducant te Angeli...

For the month of November 2009, we remember in our prayers each time this page loads, those who have gone before us, and always the Poor Holy Souls in Purgatory.

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine
Et lux perpetua luceat eis
Requiescant in pace...


To those with which we now remember in our prayers are inscribed in memoriam here

Sacred to our memory all the souls of our faithfully departed

Francis Lim Chong Jin

Theresa Looi Kim Nyuk

Teoh Hooi Beng

Kee Soo Liew

Teoh Say Kim

Teoh Seng Keat

Teoh Hooi Eow (26 Dec 2009)

Goh Chai Imm

Sr. Adrian Liao

Sr. Agnes Liao

Mr & Mrs Naseturai (Penang)

Deceased members of the Lim family (Taiping, Ipoh)

Deceased members of the Teoh family (Penang)

Deceased members of the Looi family (Ipoh, Batu Gajah, KL)

Deceased members of the Kee family (Penang, Selangor, KL)

Deceased members of the Tan family (Penang)

Fr. Philip So

Servant of God Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla)
Blessed Mother Theresa

Princess Diana

Michael Jackson

Lee Boon Kiat



Teoh Beng Hock

Monday, June 1, 2009

HERALD is now Online. Cool!

Hooray! Malaysia's very own Catholic Weekly is now online!!


This is absolutely good news. Not only you don't need to pay to read
Catholic news (RM1) , you can see loads of cool videos and clips too.

We are so used to seeing and reading news from the Catholic world coming from US and Europe - but this is a first for MALAYSIAN CATHOLICS bringing the news, thoughts and happenings to the world.

Totally in line with the saranan Bapa Sangti kita, Papa Benediktus XVI!

I've gone through the website and it is insightful, interface and layout works well in the eyes, links are well maintained, videos up-to-date and plenty of opportunities to cross reference articles and videos to facebook and anywhere else, bringing the Catholic world closer to our doorstep, only from our Malaysian perspective.

Kudos and congratulations to the editorial team and online editors who have made this portal possible. Keep up the good work and we support you all the way.

Viva Heraldium! Herald rulez!!


Friday, April 10, 2009



When am I gonna leave this dept? it sure has been long even though its only for 3 months. So glad I'm now coming to the tail end of it and be done with it.

Just attended Holy Thursday Mass yesterday and now busy fulfilling my Catholic fasting duties and got hold of my delicious unleavened bread...

(seriously, its delicious for unleavened bread and I know this is not really good for something that is already blessed during Mass, but if you have it toasted and eat it with butter, and a bowl of egg...simply amazing! hey, i didn't have that on Good Friday, ok? i might however have that on Easter though if there's still leftovers hehe...) my lunch pack. Its a custom in my parish to have unleavened bread once a year on Good Friday. I'm confused though why they say break fast with it, when our catholic fast still consists of limited morsels of food to sustain our body. Strange.

Going at RM10 per piece, this tradition derived from the time Jews take it for the Passover. Maundy Thursday falls during Passover anyway, so I see it as a beautiful continuation from our Jewish brethren in becoming part of Christian tradition.

Will be taking light vege sandwich, perhaps 2-3 pieces of crackers and milo for lunch...then unleavened bread for dinner. Yup, that's my menu for today. Hope its in keeping with the 1 and a half portion restriction. Then...its off running to Way of the Cross before Good Friday service.

Oh btw, I was txt-ing away my aunt and we were talking about genuflecting. Fancy how we actually incorporate Catholic gestures and actions into our daily life? How you ask? just watch:
1. Genuflect to mop the floor
2. Bow to pick things up from the floor
3. Kneel to take things from cupboard
4. Prostrate to sleep on the bed
5. Just hope we don't Cross † ourselves to chase away flies..hehe just kidding :o)

Anyway, its lunch time, all my Muslim colleagues are out for their Friday prayers, and I'm just typing away my blog, waiting for the 6pm chime to leave for the evening service. Got to stop at the next door's mall to go with my sister.

Oh, guess what? its pouring heavily out there! Always rains every Good Friday in keeping with the mood of the day. Or is it from the heavens?

Gtg... Bye for now!

† Pax te cum,
Lay Oblate

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Triduum...Here we come...

Hey...Lent was just over!

A month of abstinence from meat...
A month of abstinence from the things we normally gorge ourselves with silly
A month of discipline to make ourselves ready for the Almighty one
A month of prayers and occasional fasts...

...came to an end last night Wednesday when the final Hour of None (or Compline) resounds in the air, marking the entry into the Holiest and climactic end to our Lenten observance...the Easter Triduum.

Easter Triduum begins with Holy Thurday (Maundy) today on 9th April 2009 to commemorate on the following:
1. Our Lord's Last Supper
2. The Institution of the Holy Eucharist
3. The washing of the disciples feet
4. Blessing of unleavened bread (subject to local diocese customs)
5. Singing the Gloria with church bells clanging in the air
6. Incense, Holy water and...more incense!
7. In basilicas (or cathedrals) The Chrism Mass - blessing of the Chrism oils
8. ...And in some places, ordinations...
9. Honouring the priests who have worked so hard for bringing to us the Faith and defending Holy Mother Church in this faithless world
10. Stripping of altars, and finally, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as we await Good Friday

Good Friday on 10th April 2009 then passes by quietly with:
1. Solemn silence and sadness
2. Reading / chanting of the Passion of Our Lord
3. No Mass, just only services for communion
4. In some places, funerary processions honouring our Lord's death
5. Solemn veneration of the Holy Cross
6. Fast and abstinence
7. Way of the Cross (Via Crucis)
8. ...haven't you noticed it always rains on Good Friday? sure adds to the mournful atmosphere...

Then there's Holy Saturday (11th April) where the much anticipated Easter Vigil begins at night to herald in Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday on 12th April. Since this particular service will be exceptionally long, here it is in brief:
1. Liturgy of Light
2. Blessing of Pascal candle and holy water
3. Candles, incense, kneeling, reverence and awe, the works! (mind you, our Masses today are normally simple, but this one rocks the most apart from the whole year!)
4. 8-9 readings and psalms
5. Chanting of the Exultet, Litany of the Saints
6. Renewal of baptismal vows
7. Baptism
8. Festivity and cheer for the rest of the night (or till morning for those party birds)

Finally, it'll be Easter Sunday (or Resurrection Sunday as what some would prefer to call as Easter is felt to have too close a Pagan influence on the word) The usual fare of the Mass is as usual, with the exception of a special Paschal Sequence known as the "Victimae Paschali Laudes" is recited or sung before the Gospel acclamation.

Usually by this round, everyone would be damn tired from last night (especially the priest) with direct no sleep from the night before to celebrate the 3 Easter Masses (one of the rare few times the Church allows 3 Masses in a single day)

The climax of celebrations is here...the ancient rites and ceremonies have begun.

Wishing all a Blessed Triduum and a Holy Easter this weekend!

† Laudetur Iesus Christus †

Doors are Open!


Chapel doors are open today at 4:10pm on Wednesday 8 April 2009. Lots of updates from the Roman Catholic world in Asia and around the world. Devotions, prayer crusades, religious calls of prayer, you name it, we'll think of putting it in if we haven't yet.

I'm simply a self styled lay oblate here on cyber space putting up my rantings of what's going on in my world. So come on in and see what I have to say, talk, pray and muse about bringing Christ's (and my) message to the world wide web.

Happy to have you around and open to comments (that are non-flaming or prejudiced in nature)

† Yours in Christ
Lay Oblate