Monday, June 1, 2009

HERALD is now Online. Cool!

Hooray! Malaysia's very own Catholic Weekly is now online!!


This is absolutely good news. Not only you don't need to pay to read
Catholic news (RM1) , you can see loads of cool videos and clips too.

We are so used to seeing and reading news from the Catholic world coming from US and Europe - but this is a first for MALAYSIAN CATHOLICS bringing the news, thoughts and happenings to the world.

Totally in line with the saranan Bapa Sangti kita, Papa Benediktus XVI!

I've gone through the website and it is insightful, interface and layout works well in the eyes, links are well maintained, videos up-to-date and plenty of opportunities to cross reference articles and videos to facebook and anywhere else, bringing the Catholic world closer to our doorstep, only from our Malaysian perspective.

Kudos and congratulations to the editorial team and online editors who have made this portal possible. Keep up the good work and we support you all the way.

Viva Heraldium! Herald rulez!!